Minutes of 2024 Annual General Meeting
Date: Tuesday 8 October 2022
Place: North London Cricket Clubhouse
Chair: Adam Sharples
Committee: Stephanie Lawrence (Treasurer), Rob Jackson (Secretary), Zander Calderwood, Nick Evans, Henry Perks, Simon Williets
Present: Pamela Beck, Miriam Bindman, Dave Cohen, Barbara Bleiman, Nick Bloxam, Richard Budgett, Sharon Burns, Jane Campbell, Mike Chalmers, Reg Dhanjal, David Donnelly, Philip Duggan, Veronica Flavell, Virginia Jackson, Glyn & Karen Matthews, Sue Lonsdale, Stan Newman, Jane Perks, Colin & Heulwen Reading, Helen Robinson, David Scott, Sarah Small, Sue Westbrook, Martin & Kim Wolf, Cllr Luke Cawley-Harrison.
Apologies: Andy Wiley (committee), Zuri Ainz, Mary Britton, Helena Cook, Brian & Pam Fitzpatrick, Steve O’Shea, Wilhelm & Helga Skogstad, Ching & Tony Smith, Liz Stokes, Cllr Lester Buxton, Cllr Cressida Johnson.
1. Introductions
Adam Sharples welcomed everyone to the AGM. He introduced members of the committee and invited all attendees to introduce themselves.
2. Minutes of 2023 AGM
The minutes of the 2023 AGM had been posted on the GMTRA website before the meeting. The minutes were approved. There were no matters arising other than on agenda.
3. Finance and Membership
Stephanie Lawrence (Treasurer) gave a brief report on GMTRA’s finances. We received income during the year of £245 and incurred expenses of £508, a deficit of £263.00. The main item of expenditure was £450 for two new street trees. This gives us a total reserve of £1,797.37. However we have potential outstanding liabilities amounting to £750.00, giving a net balance of £1.310.37, although these notional liabilities are old and may not be realised.
54 households paid a subscription in 2023/4, representing 34% of all households in our roads. In view of the healthy bank balance and no major expenditure foreseen, the committee is proposing to waive subscriptions in 2024/5, which was approved by the meeting.
4. Report on Activities
Trees: Zander Calderwood reported that two new street trees have been planted, near 34 Glasslyn & 36 Tivoli Roads, funded by GMTRA. We have been discussing with the council a suitable site for the replacement tree lost at the top of Glasslyn during the electrical works last year, and we hope this will be planted next Spring.
Rain gullies: Following the flooding in 2021 the council has paid more attention to keeping the gullies clear and maintained. Cllr Cawley-Harrison informed us that gullies are now inspected every six months and drains marked green (OK) or red (needs attention).
Lime & Forest bikes: The council has formalised a trial scheme with these two bike-hire companies, and is gradually introducing designated bays for leaving the bikes. We are still pursuing the possibility of such a bay at the top of Glasslyn because of the bikes left by school kids in the morning, but the problem is the steep gradients of the roads in that location.
Planning Issues: Nick Evans monitors planning applications related to our area. Most of these are minor (tree pruning and home improvements), which are not of concern to GMTRA. The planning application to erect a telecoms mast on the edge of the Hornsey Club playing field, which was initially turned down last year, unfortunately came back to life owing to a council bungle. Because the developer was not notified of the refusal within the statutory deadline, the application became approved by default. However there has been no sign yet of any work starting; the developer will need to obtain a court order to access the site, since the Hornsey Club has refused permission.
There has still been no apparent progress on the proposed new sports hall being planned by the Hornsey Club. There have however been two recent developments. First, two Padel courts have been erected on the tennis courts without planning permission. The Club has now applied for retrospective permission until 31 October, but we are expecting the Club to apply for extended permission with added lighting. Second, the Club has submitted an application to build a sauna, also on the tennis courts. This would be a clear breach of policy relating to Metropolitan Open Land. The meeting agreed that GMTRA should submit an objection.
Highgate Wood School: There has been no further news of the School’s proposal to renovate the school playing field (and fence off the playing area). This is unlikely to move forward for a while.
The Council intends to make the bottom end of Montenotte Road a ‘School Street’. This would prohibit cars from entering the road at certain times of the day (except residents). There will be a formal consultation on this soon. The initial view of GMTRA is that the proposal is rather pointless since it is a short cul-de-sac.
Website: Henry Perks looks after the GMTRA website which is kept up to date with latest news. Henry encouraged residents to send in their recommendations for local tradesmen so that they can be added to the website.
5. Neighbourhood Watch
Rob Jackson attends quarterly meetings of the Haringey Federation of Neighbourhood Watches, which give a useful insight to police priorities for tackling crime. Sadly most of their attention is on Tottenham and the ‘Haringey Ladder’ where crime is rife. Our roads are relatively crime free, and we have had no reports of burglaries in the past year, although there has been a theft of tools from builders working in the street. There have also been reports of thefts from parked cars and in some cases thefts of parts from cars.
We also try to keep in contact with the local Safer Neighbourhood Police team, but there has been a turnover of police personnel in Crouch End recently.
7. Election of Committee
Both Adam Sharples and Stephanie Lawrence announced that they were stepping down from the committee at this AGM. Rob Jackson was elected as the new Chair (proposed by Adam, seconded by Helena Cook). No nominations were received for Treasurer, but in view of the decision to waive membership subscriptions in the coming year it was felt that the committee would be able to deal with financial matters collectively. Nevertheless we would be delighted to hear from any resident who would like to take on this role, or indeed just join the committee.
The meeting approved the re-election of all other committee members: Zander Calderwood, Nick Evans, Henry Perks, Andy Wiley and Simon Williets.
Adam and Stephanie were thanked for their service on the committee and given suitable tokens of appreciation.
8. AOB
Thanks were expressed to the North London Cricket Club (Andy Bennett) for allowing us to hold the meeting in its clubhouse. Following the meeting residents were able to socialise and make use of the club’s bar.
You can view all AGM related items here >>