Our Constitution
1. The objects of the Association are:
a) To preserve, protect and enhance the amenity and security of the area covered by its constituent streets, which comprise: Glasslyn Road; Montenotte Road; Tivoli Road;
b) So far as lies within the Association’s power, to ensure that any physical changes to the area are consistent with this object.
2. Membership of the Association shall be open to any named person over 18 years who ordinarily resides in any of the constituent streets upon payment of the annual subscription.
3. The annual subscription shall be fixed from time to time by the Association at a General Meeting, whether Annual or Special, and shall become due on the date of the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
4. The management of the Association shall (except as otherwise herein provided) be delegated to a Committee of not more than ten members, who shall be elected at the AGM. Additional Committee members with voting rights may be co-opted during the course of the year by a two-thirds majority vote of the Committee. The Committee shall also have power to co-opt for specific purposes or occasions individuals who by virtue of their knowledge or expertise may be able to assist it, but such persons shall not have voting rights. The Committee may form sub-committees at its discretion to address particular issues and may co-opt residents not members of the Committee and without voting rights to serve on these as it thinks fit.
5. The Honorary Officers of the Association shall comprise a Chairperson and a Treasurer and such other posts as the Committee may decide to designate from time to time. Candidates for these offices will be proposed by the Committee and/or nominated by members of the Association and elected at the AGM.
6. At least fourteen days before the date of the AGM all members shall be sent an Agenda for the meeting and a request for nominations of the Honorary Officers. At the AGM ten members shall constitute a quorum. Minutes of the AGM will be taken and will be made available to any member of the Association upon request.
7. At the AGM all elected members of the Committee shall retire and shall be eligible for re-election subject to the terms of this Clause 7. Any two members may nominate a candidate for election to the Committee. Each member shall be entitled to vote for as many candidates as there are vacancies and no more.
8. The Committee shall meet at least once every six months. Three members shall constitute a quorum of whom at least one shall be an Honorary Officer. Minutes shall be taken and shall be available to any member of the Association upon request.
9. Any Committee member (including their spouse, partner and business associates and partners) or their company or employer who has any planning matter, whether personal or commercial, to be decided upon by the London Borough of Haringey or central government shall retire from any meeting of the Committee which shall be discussing the matter in question.
10. The AGM shall be held on a date to be fixed by the Committee and shall consider the following business:
a) Reports of the Honorary Officers including a financial report;
b) Election of the Committee and Honorary Officers for the ensuing year;
c) Any other matter of which written notice has been given to the Committee at least 5 days prior to the meeting.
11. Any General Meeting of the Association, other than the AGM, shall be a Special General Meeting. The Committee may at any time call a Special Meeting and shall do so forthwith upon the requisition of not less than ten members stating the purpose for which such a meeting is required. The provisions of Clause 6 as regards notice and quorum shall apply to a Special General Meeting as they apply to the AGM.
12. At any meeting of the Association or its Committee in the event of there being equal votes cast for any motion, the Chairperson of the meeting, whether or not s/he has already voted, shall have a second or casting vote.
13. The conduct of all meetings shall be in control of the Chairperson of the meeting. If at any meeting the proceedings shall be made difficult or disrupted by the persistent interruption or other unruly or inappropriate conduct of a member or members, any member may propose that a member named or otherwise identified shall be no longer heard and if such a motion is seconded and passed by a majority of at least two-thirds of those present and voting the member or members so identified shall cease for the duration of the meeting to have the rights and privileges of membership and may be asked to withdraw from the meeting.
14. The Association shall not identify itself with any political party.
15. No communication shall be made in the name of the Association to the media or any local authority nor petitions promoted or campaigns conducted without the consent of the Committee. The consent of two Committee members may be sufficient in case of a genuine emergency needing prompt action other than at a formal meeting.
16. If at a General Meeting attended by at least seventy-five per cent of the membership a motion for the dissolution of the Association shall be passed by a majority of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting thereon, the Association shall be dissolved and its assets shall be distributed to appropriate local charities.
17. These rules may be amended or repealed by a resolution passed at a General Meeting of which notice has been given in writing to the members at least fourteen days beforehand. Such a resolution shall be carried by a majority of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting thereon. The quorum of such a meeting shall be 20.
As amended at 2009 AGM.