glasslyn road house fronts

Glasslyn, Montenotte and Tivoli Roads Residents’ Association & Neighbourhood Watch

GMTRA represents the residents of Glasslyn, Montenotte and Tivoli Roads, including View Crescent. We act on matters of concern to residents – local planning applications, environmental issues, traffic, improving security and tackling crime, recycling, excessive noise and nuisance, and maintaining constructive relations with the local secondary school and sports clubs. We also work with other local associations to help protect the Crouch End Playing Fields and associated meadow and woodland. 

We meet regularly with local ward representatives. As an association we are able to have a louder voice with our council and other organisations on behalf of residents. The more people who join up the more effective we can be for the neighbourhood and for individuals.

Current Neighbourhood Issues We Are Engaging With

Street Trees

We are working with residents and the council to manage the trees in our streets. New trees and those causing problems.

Electric Car Charging

Many residents have been keen to have charging points for electric cars in our streets. We have been promoting the case and have succeeded in getting two fast charging points installed.

Latest News

The consultation period has now closed, and the predictable outcome is that there will be no changes to the proposals.

The Club has now submitted another planning application for permanent permission for four Padel Courts, to include floodlights.

You may recall that the School has plans to develop and improve its upper playing field, just off Montenotte Rd, for sports use, which would …

Residents Please Join Us

Every resident of our streets is eligible for membership. We will be pleased to hear from your on any issues that affect our streets and any suggestions or thoughts you may have about our local environment. All members are invited to our AGM in the autumn. We circulate regular emails and maintain this website.

If you would like to join our association please put a note through the door of the Chair – Rob Jackson, 63 Glasslyn Road – with your contact details (name/s, address and email). Alternatively you may contact any Committee member directly, or send an email to for more information.

In view of the healthy bank balance and no major expenditure foreseen, the committee proposed to waive subscriptions in 2024/5, which was approved at the AGM.

As a result for 2024/25 the membership fee is only £0! per household.