AGM Minutes And Our New Committee

It was very good to see so many people at our annual meeting last week. You can read the record of the AGM here>>

New Committee

We elected a new Committee: Adam Sharples has taken over from Virginia as Chair; Stephanie Lawrence continues as Treasurer; and Rob Jackson has joined as our Secretary. Zander Calderwood, Nick Evans, Henry Perks, Andy Wiley and Simon Williets continue as members of the Committee.

Thank you to Virginia

We ended the meeting with a heartfelt thank you to Virginia who has stepped down after chairing the Association for the past 15 years.  We’re immensely grateful to her for everything she has done for our roads over this time.

Membership Subscriptions

Our membership year runs from October to September. Could you please pay your subscription for the coming year? (…if you haven’t paid already) It’s £5 per household and you can pay:

  • Direct to our bank account: (this makes life much easier for our Treasurer!)  The name on the account is Glasslyn,Montenotte&Tivoli RA (but GMTRA will do). Account number 33798176 Sort Code 60-06-26. When you pay on-line please email and let us know you’ve done so.
  • By cash to the Treasurer: at 57 Glasslyn Rd in an envelope with your name(s), address and email address(es).
