Request for flooding reports
Thank you to those of you who’ve already let GMTRA know you experienced flooding at your address on 12 July and in some cases again on 25 July. Just a reminder, as requested, GMTRA is compiling a comprehensive list to give to the council officials who attended our Zoom flooding meeting on Monday, 13 September, so do please let us have details of any flooding you experienced so we may add them to it.
2021 Annual General Meeting, Tuesday 19 October
The 2021 Glasslyn, Montenotte and Tivoli Roads Residents’ Association and Neighbourhood Watch AGM will be on Tuesday 19 October at 8.00pm-9.30pm. Chris Waite, President of the Hornsey Cricket Club and member of GMTRA, has agreed we may again hold this upstairs in the clubhouse. We usually aim to get through the business of the agenda as quickly as possible to leave as much time as possible for residents to meet with their neighbours.
We will confirm all the details and circulate the agenda nearer the time. Meanwhile we are contacting people who might take on the role of Treasurer, Website Manager, Secretary/Minute-taker and would also like to have more committee members. Do please let us know if you’re interested. It would be great to hear from you.
Craft Fair at the Shepherds Cot Trust car park 11.00am-5.00pm, Saturday 9 October
Shepherds Cot Trust has advised this will have clothes, ceramics, homewares, candles, jewellery, London Vermouth Company, African fabrics, coffee and tea, Indian food, Pizza and much more. My neighbour will have some of her lovely cards for sale in a stall.
Anyway this event is intended to bring in much needed funds to the Trust to help with the maintenance of the site so they’d be very grateful for our support. I’ll circulate more information when I receive it but let’s hope the sun shines on 9 October and we can enjoy walking round there.