We held our AGM last Tuesday, and it was pleasing to see 35 residents attending on a wet blustery night. For those who were unable to attend, you can find the minutes of the meeting here>>.
Adam Sharples has stepped down from the committee after serving for 10 years, most recently as Chair, and I am pleased to have been elected as his successor. Stephanie Lawrence is also stepping down after four years as Treasurer. My thanks to both of them for the work they have put into keeping GMTRA thriving.
We did not receive any nominations for a new Treasurer, but you will be pleased to hear that we have decided to waive membership subscriptions in the coming year as we have a healthy bank balance, so the finances can be managed collectively by the committee for now. Nevertheless if you are interested in becoming our Treasurer, or just joining the committee, do step forward and let us know!
Planning Issues
You will see from the minutes that there are two immediate issues that the committee are dealing with. First, the Hornsey Club has submitted a planning application to build a sauna on its tennis courts. This contravenes the prohibition from building on Metropolitan Open Land, and GMTRA has therefore submitted an objection. Second, you may be aware of a proposal by the Council to make the bottom end of Montenotte Road a ‘School Street’. This would prohibit vehicles from entering at certain times of the day (except for residents inside the zone). Our initial view is that this is rather pointless since it is just a small cul-de-sac. A formal consultation process is expected later this month and we will be monitoring developments closely.
Highgate Wood School
Finally, just to let you know that there are two Highgate Wood School parent evenings coming up on Oct 17th & Nov 14th, 5pm-7pm, so expect an increase in parked cars near the school then, although the school does encourage parents to come by public transport.
As always, if there is any issue that you think should be brought to the attention of the committee, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via contact@gmtra.org.
Best wishes
Rob Jackson, Chair, GMTRA