The combined Annual General Meeting of the Glasslyn, Montenotte and Tivoli Roads Residents’ Association and Neighbourhood Watch will be held on Tuesday 11th October at 8.00pm in the North London Cricket Club, off Montenotte Road. All residents in our three roads and View Crescent are invited to attend.
Nominations for GMTRA Chair, Treasurer and committee members should be emailed to by 4th October. Nominations for Chair and Treasurer should be made and seconded in advance of the AGM but committee members may be nominated either in advance or at the meeting. If you would like to join the committee please let us know.
This year’s committee members were Virginia Jackson, Chair (Glasslyn Road), Stephanie Lawrence, Treasurer (Glasslyn Road), Zander Calderwood (Glasslyn Road), Nick Evans (View Crescent), Henry Perks (Glasslyn Road), Adam Sharples (Glasslyn Road), Simon Williets (Tivoli Road) and Andy Wiley (Montenotte Road).
Message from Virginia Jackson Chair GMTRA
I will be standing down as Chair at the AGM so would like to take this opportunity to say it’s been nice meeting you over the years and hope to see you on 11th October.
Best wishes
Virginia Jackson, Chair, GMTRA
Agenda For 2022 AGM
Minutes of 2021 AGM
Matters arising
Report on activities
Neighbourhood Watch
Members’ concerns and suggestions
Election of committee
Our website had a makeover this year, with a new design and extra content, thanks to our new webmaster Henry Perks. It contains useful information for residents and links to other websites. Please send in comments and updates as we need inputs from residents to keep it up to date!
Planning Applications
We monitor the Council’s weekly list of planning applications and when appropriate inform the relevant residents. It’s also helpful to use the Haringey Planning Application Alerts service, which notifies you of every new planning application received within 1km of the address you’ve given them.
Hornsey Cricket Club
Approximately 60 residents from Tivoli Road, View Crescent and Glasslyn Road attended a meeting with the Hornsey Cricket Club on 17 May 2022. They met with the Chair, Project Leader, Secretary and Architect in order to discuss the Club’s aspiration to build a Sports Hall, primarily intended for cricket, as well as a new car park – a project at the pre-application planning stage. In summary the Club wants to build a 10,000 square metre, 8.5 metre high Sports Hall together with a new car park on Metropolitan Open Land currently occupied by the tennis courts. In order to do this the Club would like to acquire and demolish the garages at the end of Tivoli Road. There would be some ‘light bleed’ from the structure and obviously the car park would be lit.
It was clear from the meeting that nearly all residents present were opposed to the proposal and many would prefer to retain the tennis courts. Accordingly residents decided to form a small group to coordinate the opposition, particularly if this proceeds to a full planning application, so that all those affected can speak with one voice. The Save our Space N8 group has subsequently set up a website GMTRA circulated the notes taken at this meeting on 19 May.
The Residents’ Association committee tries to make sure our roads and pavements, and our environment, are clean and looked after. Adam Sharples leads and is happy to look into any issues you have (please contact via the GMTRA email address).
A big issue in 2021 was the flooding caused by the exceptionally heavy rain in July of that year. We have followed up this year by checking on drains and gullies and, with the help of our Councillors, arranging for further clearing work to be done this summer. We also circulated to residents the Council’s ‘Section 19’ report on the flooding. The drains seemed to cope better in heavy rain this year.
In response to residents’ requests we conducted a survey to get views on installing electric vehicle charging points on our roads. The responses were overwhelmingly in favour and we submitted a request to the Council. Their initial assessment was that the electricity supply was unsuitable, but they promised to review in the summer. We have asked our Councillors to follow up on this.
There are a small number of trees on our roads which are causing damage to pavements and blocking light to homes. We have photographed these and asked our Councillors to take this up with the Council – ideally the trees should be removed and replaced with smaller more suitable varieties.
We have also:
kept an eye on litter and dumped rubbish and reported problems to Veolia;
done some street gardening – trimming low hanging tree branches and clearing weeds on the pavements.
Haringey Council have a very neat App for reporting problems (called ‘Love Clean Streets’), which you can download onto your smartphone.
Neighbourhood Watch
In 2022 until several months ago we received the Crouch End Safer Neighbourhoods Team Monthly Update. Shepherds Cot Trust Neighbourhood Watch emails messages to GMTRA along with Highgate Wood School, CREOS, Shepherds Hill Allotments and the local Sports Clubs which we forward to residents and when appropriate Shepherds Hill and Coolhurst Road Neighbourhood Watches. We’re grateful to those who have either emailed or put a message on the Neighbourly GMT Support WhatsApp group about local crime they’ve experienced which has enabled our Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator, Virginia Jackson, to quickly circulate Neighbourhood Watch warnings.
In 2021/22 we had a paid-up membership of 79 households and circulated messages to around 180 email addresses. The membership fee is £5 per household and we are proposing that it stays at this amount for 2022/23. We would like to encourage everyone living in our three roads to join the association. Details are on the website or simply send an email to with your name and address. Messages sent to, are read by the Chair and Treasurer, who circulate GMTRA’s emails bcc to members.