A date for your diary – the Residents’ Association will be holding our annual meeting at 8pm on Thursday 2 November in the North London Cricket Club (the first club you come to when you go down Montenotte Road and continue along the roadway to the cricket fields.)
It’s a good chance to meet neighbours, hear from our Councillors and raise any issues and ideas you have about the local area. We would love to see you there. All residents in our three roads and View Crescent are invited to attend.
We would welcome new committee members, so if you would like to join the committee please let us know by emailing contact@gmtra.org.uk. Nominations for Chair and Treasurer should be made and seconded by 26th October, but committee members may be nominated either in advance or at the meeting.
Meeting Agenda
1. Introductions
2. Minutes of 2022 AGM Read here on this website >>
3. Matters arising
4. Finance and membership
5. Report on activities
6. Neighbourhood Watch
7. Discussion with our Ward Councillors
8. Members’ concerns and suggestions
9. Election of committee
10. AOB