GMTRA Report on Activities 2022-23

Here is a brief summary of the main issues that the Residents Association has been dealing with in the past year.


We have applied to the Council for two new street trees to be planted (one in Tivoli, one in Glasslyn) and hope these will be planted next Spring. We are also seeking to replace the tree that was destroyed by UK Power Networks when Glasslyn Road was closed for electrical works earlier in the year.

We have recently been in contact with our councillors regarding the pavements, particularly in Montenotte and Tivoli, as we believe there may be council funding available to make improvements.

We followed up on the issues raised by the flooding in 2021by reporting drains that need clearing and pursuing concerns raise by individual residents.

Lime rental bikes have been causing a nuisance in Montenotte and at the top of Glasslyn, as they are being left in random places and causing obstructions. The council has conducted a consultation with a view to designating parking bays, and residents have provided suggestions – the top of Glasslyn is an obvious candidate.

We continue to be plagued by the occasional fly-tipping of household furniture on the corner of Tivoli/Glasslyn. The best advice is to contact the Council as soon as possible to get it removed.

We consulted with residents about charging points for electric vehicles, and following a positive response we applied to the Council and have successfully had two points installed at the bottom of Glasslyn, although at the time of writing these have not yet been activated.

There have also been Council consultations on CPZ and on waste collections. We have yet to see the outcomes of these.

Planning Issues

The most prominent planning application this year was the proposal to erect a telecoms mast on the edge of the Hornsey Club playing field. Thanks to a good number of objections to the planning application from residents and GMTRA (and from the Club itself) the application was turned down. We have not seen any sign of an appeal being lodged.

There has been no further news on the proposed new sports hall being planned at the Hornsey Club. We continue to monitor this closely.

One other development in progress is the new building at 62 Wolseley Rd, which is behind Tivoli and Glasslyn and affecting residents there. This is being closely watched to ensure the approved plans are adhered to.

Highgate Wood School

We have met with the new finance and operations manager who has recently been appointed, and have established a liaison channel for any issues that might arise. One issue currently affecting nearby residents is noise disturbance from drumming lessons taking place at the back of the school, which the Head has promised to resolve following a letter from GMTRA.


We continue to enhance the GMTRA website, most recently with the addition of some historic photos. Please do give us any suggestions for improving the website further. Note that the website includes a directory of local trades people, which residents frequently seek via the street WhatsApp group.

Neighbourhood Watch

We are fortunate to live on a relatively crime-free area. It is pleasing to report that we have not heard of any burglaries in recent months, but unfortunately there have been a few thefts of cars and motorbikes. There have also been incidents of suspicious characters checking car doors and snooping in front gardens.

GMTRA has attended meetings of Haringey Neighbourhood Watches, where Council officers and the Borough police brief us on policing initiatives, and we keep in touch with the local Safer Neighbourhood police team.