Telecoms Mast Threat Returns

Some unwelcome news that we have picked up in the New Year is that the plan to build a 20 metre high telecoms mast on the Hornsey Club cricket field has come back to life. You’ll recall that the development company (Cornerstone) applied to the Council last March for prior approval to build the mast. There was strong local opposition, including from the Hornsey Club itself, over 50 objections were submitted and the Council duly refused the application in May.

Planning Application 57th Day Loophole

It now appears that the Cornerstone are asserting that there is a statutory time limit of 56 days within which the planning authority must give its decision for such applications and are claiming that the notice of decision from the Council arrived on day 57!  As a result, they assert they have deemed permission to proceed.

There are a number of very concerning aspects to this. Did the Council know about the 56 day deadline and the consequences of missing it? If so why was the notice sent late? Since the Council have known about Cornerstone’s intentions since last August why have they apparently not told our Councillors, or any of the consultees and respondents to the initial application? And what, if anything, can be done now to stop this unwanted mast being built on Metropolitan Open Land?

We have written (see letter below) to raised these concerns with our Councillors who are following up with the planning department; and we are in discussion with the Club who continue to oppose the mast but fear the legal odds may be stacked against them.

Letter Sent To Our Local Councillors – Lester Buxton & Cressida Johnson


Dear Lester

We spoke this evening about the prior approval application that was submitted back in March to build a 5G telecom mask on the Hornsey cricket club field. (Application ReferenceHGY/2023/0825)

There was strong local opposition to the proposal, including from the Hornsey Club itself, and the council decision was to refuse the application.

I understand that the developer has now approached the Hornsey Club to claim that the council decision was received after the 56 day deadline, and the application was therefore deemed to be approved.  They are proposing to press ahead and build the mast and are seeking permission from the club to access the land.

I have tried to contact the planning officer who dealt with the case (Mr Kwaku Bossman-Gyanera) leaving two messages, but have had no response.

I would be very grateful for your help in clarifying:
Is the council aware of the developer’s intentions?
Was the notice of decision sent outside the 56 day time limit?
If so, why? And what is the council going to do to remedy this and ensure the clear decision of the council to refuse the application is implemented?

Adam Sharples
Chair, GMTRA

We’ll keep you posted and add news to this website and  as matters develop. You can see all posts on the phone mast planning application here >>