The following is included in the latest list of applications GMTRA received from Haringey Planning Services. As you know, we draw residents’ attention to planning applications near their homes which doesn’t mean we imagine you’ve not been consulted about them.
Planning application: HGY/2021/3537
Date registered: 17/12/21
Decision date: 04/02/2022
Consultation end date: 14/01/2022
Location: 49 GLASSLYN ROAD, N8 8RJ
Proposed Development
Erection of single storey side to rear extension, installation of rooflight in existing single storey rear infill, further excavation of existing lower ground floor to provide front lightwell and screening, removal of lilac tree in rear garden.
You may see further information about this application and respond to it via the following link:
Online Planning Services: Application Search
Online Planning Services Planning Application Search. Please note: when searching by address it is best not to include the postcode. the results of a search may not always include the full planning history for a site, mainly if it has been known by other names (eg. the New River Village was built on the site for the Former Hornsey Waterworks)