Residents will no doubt be aware of the proposal to erect a 20m telecom mast and associated equipment in the grounds of the Hornsey Club near the Park Road Lido. GMTRA and many residents responded to the initial
letter received from the developers, Waldon Telecom, who are working on behalf of O2.
Planning Process
This proposed development is now in the formal planning process with Haringey Council and a consultation period has opened. Although the council officers will have seen the letters by residents to Waldon Telecom, we urge everyone to respond to the Council’s consultation reiterating the same points. Theoretically the erection of a telecoms mast is now a permitted development, but it still has to meet certain criteria, which the council will be scrutinising. One of the key objections is that the proposed location is on Metropolitan Open Land and is a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC). Furthermore we are aware that they do not have the landowner’s
permission, since the Hornsey Club opposes this too.
Add Your Comment & Objections
The planning reference is HGY/2023/0825. You can submit objections and comments online on the council website, or by writing to the planning department. GMTRA will be lodging an objection along similar lines to our previous response to Waldon Telecom.
The deadline for responses is 2nd May.