GMTRA have submitted comments to the Haringey planning application process objecting to the proposed building of a 20m phone mast on the Hornsey club cricket pitch.
You can see all posts about the phone mast proposal here >>
Add Your Comment & Objections
The planning reference is HGY/2023/0825. You can submit objections and comments online on the council website. Use the link below and click the “Comments” tab.
The deadline for responses is 2nd May.
GMTRA Objections Comment
I write on behalf of the Glasslyn, Montenotte & Tivoli Residents’ Association (GMTRA) regarding the proposed installation of a base station and telecoms mast in the grounds of the Hornsey Club, which is adjacent to our streets and would be visible to many residents. There is widespread dismay and opposition to this proposal, and we have not heard a single voice in favour. We wish to raise the following objections:
1. The proposed location is Metropolitan Open Land. This is protected land, equivalent to green belt, where a development such as this is not permitted.
2. Furthermore, the location is a Site of Interest for Nature Conservation (SINC) Grade1, recognised as being of importance to wildlife and biodiversity. It is an area where bats are active. The Bat Conservation Trust recommends that masts are erected as far away from bat roosting locations and flight paths as possible. This particular location is therefore wholly inappropriate and erection of a telecoms mast is not permitted.
3. The mast will be located in an area of open space and therefore highly visible and intrusive. Although just outside a conservation area, it will be visible from many points within the conservation area. Furthermore, it will tower over the adjacent public open-air swimming pool, which may deter some people from coming to the pool.
4. We are aware that the landowner (Hornsey Club) has not given permission for this development on its land and opposes the application. There is no public right of way to the proposed site, so any visits for maintenance purposes will require trespassing on private land.
5. The Hornsey Club cricket field has been used as a landing site for air ambulance helicopters, as most recently as August 2022 in response to an emergency at the Park Road swimming pool. Clearly a mast in this location would be a dangerous hazard in this regard.
6. The coverage map provided shows that the telecom signal in this area is already satisfactory. We are not aware of any residents complaining about a poor signal. The apparent gains would be mostly over uninhabited land. In summary, this is a most inappropriate site for a telecoms mast, and we urge the council not to permit this despoliation of our green open space.
Add Your Comment & Objections
The planning reference is HGY/2023/0825. You can submit objections and comments online on the council website. Use the link below and click the “Comments” tab.
The deadline for responses is 2nd May.