o2 telecom mast

5G Mast – Developers Response To GMTRA Letter

GMTRA  responded with strong objections to the recent letter from Walden Telecom (on behalf of O2) announcing plans for a 20m telecoms mast, to be sited in the grounds of our neighbours Hornsey Cricket Club (who are also opposed to the unsuitable development) – You can see the GMTRA  letter from Chairman Adam Sharples here >>

Response From Waldon Telecom

Below is response to our letter from Fiona Kadama who is a town planner at Waldon Telecom (GMTRA points are bulleted):

Dear Mr Sharples,

Thank you for your email which has been forwarded to me, the contents of which are noted. Most of the issues you highlight have been raised by several residents and I will try and address them below:

  • The proposed location is situated on designated Metropolitan Open Land. Building of any kind is not generally permitted on such land.

We acknowledge the site is part of Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) and is afforded the same level of protection as the Green Belt. Chapter 13 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) contains guidance relating to Green Belt land and by lack of definition, telecommunications development is considered inappropriate development on Green Belt land/MOL. However, this type of development is not prohibited in MOL if very special circumstances can be demonstrated and the potential harm to the MOL by reason of inappropriateness, and any other harm resulting from the proposal, is clearly outweighed by other considerations. As the proposal does not require planning permission, the principle of development is established and therefore the assessment should concentrate on the impact on the openness of the MOL. The proposed development would occupy a small footprint and is of a modest scale. We don’t think it would have a significant impact on the openness of the MOL. The siting at the edge of the MOL would further reduce its impact on the MOL as it would be less than if the development was sited central to the MOL. The essential infrastructure proposed would support the latest 5G technology and significantly improve mobile connectivity to the benefit of users in this area. On balance, the limited impact on the MOL would be outweighed by the benefit of improved mobile services that will positively enhance the experiences of the public in and out of the MOL.


  • The mast will be located in an area of open green space and therefore highly visible and intrusive. Although just outside a conservation area, it will be visible from many points within the conservation area. Furthermore, it will tower over the public open-air swimming pool which is just metres away.

Due to the nature of the proposed apparatus as communications equipment, it is necessary for it to project above surrounding clutter to transmit the required radio signal to the intended area. It is acknowledged the monopole would be visible from the surrounding area, however views would be short to mid-range and where visible the monopole would not appear unduly prominent due to the slim nature of the monopole and its inconspicuous colour. Although shorter than the proposed monopole, the trees adjacent the site would partially screen the proposal further reducing its visual impact. The nearest conservation area boundary is approximately 57 metres away. Whilst the proposal may be visible from within the conservation area, views from within the conservation area would be into areas of little or no historic value therefore the overall impact on the conservation would be minimised. Nevertheless, the proposal is of a modest scale and any impacts on the conservation area would not be significant especially given the separation from the conservation area. Although the monopole would be visible to users of Crouch End Lido, the lower section of the development would be obscured by the existing trees at the border of the leisure centre reducing the installation’s visual effect. Furthermore, the monopole is positioned towards the side of the swimming pool which would further reduce its impact.

  • You should be aware that the proposed location is prone to flooding in heavy rain.

The site has a small footprint and by its nature will have no impact on the risk or severity of flooding within the wider area.

  • You should also be aware that the Hornsey Club field has been used as a landing site for air ambulance helicopters, as most recently as August 2022 in response to an emergency at the Park Road swimming pool. Clearly a mast in this location would be a dangerous hazard in this regard.

As noted above, the monopole proposed has a slender profile and is unlikely to pose a risk for emergency helicopters /air ambulances accessing the adjacent swimming pool and sports centre due to its moderate scale.

Please be advised that a prior approval application will be submitted to Haringey council shortly. The points you’ve raised will be addressed within the upcoming planning submission so that the Local Planning Authority can give them due consideration during their assessment of the case. You will also have another opportunity to formally comment on the application once it is submitted.

I have attached plans of the proposal for your information.

Kind Regards,

Fiona Kadama

Town Planner | Waldon Telecom

You can view the attached plans in PDF format here >>